How to Unblock your Nose and Beat Nasal Congestion

How to Unblock your Nose and Beat Nasal Congestion

Mouth Breathing - The Biggest cause of Nasal Congestion

At the very foundation of Buteyko Breathing is the idea of breathing through your nose 24/7 (apart from when you are eating or speaking). Nasal breathing brings so many health benefits including filtering incoming air from dust and pollen, warming and moistening the air for the lungs, and improving oxygen delivery to the body and brain.

But what if you have a stuffy nose for most of the time? It might surprise you to find out that the biggest cause of nasal congestion is mouth breathing. And so paradoxically, to have a clear nose, we must breathe through the nose. To help begin this process, we can use nose unblocking techniques to initially open up the nose, and then by keeping the mouth closed and using the other Buteyko exercises, we can slowly train the body to naturally breathe through the nose and eliminate congestion.

The vast majority of people, even people with a deviated septum (where the bone and cartilage dividing the nostrils is crooked), are able to make the change from mouth breathing to nose breathing using the Buteyko approach. If you are able to breathe through your nose for one minute, then you can do so for life.

How to Unblock the Nose using Breath Holds

This exercise uses breath holds to elevate levels of Carbon Dioxide and Nitric Oxide in the body, both of which are though to open up the airways.

(Caution: This exercise is not suitable if you are pregnant, are over 60, have any serious health conditions, or are experiencing strong anxiety, epilepsy, panic attacks, migraines, heart or blood pressure issues. If you are unsure, please speak to a Buteyko practitioner before trying the exercise.)

  1. Sit or stand in an upright position, with your mouth closed. Keep your mouth closed during and after the exercise.

  2. Take a normal, small, quiet breath in and out through your nose. (If you are unable to inhale through your nose, take a very small breath in through the corner of your mouth)

  3. After exhaling, pinch your nose and hold your breath until you start to feel a relatively strong urge to breathe. Keep your mouth closed.

  4. You can gently nod your head or sway from side to side to distract you from the air hunger.

  5. When you let go of your nose, keep your mouth closed and breathe as gently as you can. Try to avoid taking a deep breath in and focus on staying relaxed in the body.

  6. Wait for 30–60 seconds and then repeat the exercise.

  7. Repeat for 6 times in total.

Some clarifications:

  • The breath before the hold is a normal, small, quiet breath with the mouth closed.

  • The breath hold happens after the out breath. So, we breathe in, breath out, then hold. This ensures that we absorb the Nitric Oxide which as built up in the nasal cavity during the breath hold, when we breathe in after the hold.

  • The effects of this exercise are temporary, however by regularly practising the other Buteyko exercises, clients typically find that their nose becomes permanently clear when they reach a control pause of 20 seconds.

Alternative exercises to Unblock the Nose

If the previous exercise is not suitable for you, then there are 2 other alternatives:

  1. The Many Small Breath Holds Exercise - This exercise is a gentler version of the exercise described above.

  2. Nodding - (10 Repetitions) - This will help to drain mucus from your nose.

  • Nod your head backwards and forwards slowly. Be gentle with your neck, you can bend from the waist to reduce the movement in your neck. To get an idea of the speed, try silently counting slowly to three as your head moves backwards and then again as your head comes forwards.

  • Optionally, coordinate the nodding movement with your breathing. Breathe in as your head goes back and out as your head comes forwards. Remember to breathe smoothly, gently and as quietly as possible.

Tips for Preventing and Reducing Nasal Congestion

  • Breathe through your nose all the time unless you are eating or talking.

  • Use all of the Buteyko Breathing Exercises to help improve your breathing which in turn will reduce inflammation of the nasal passages and permanently eliminate congestion.

  • If you mouth-breathe at night, then use mouth tape (Amazon affiliate link) to keep your mouth closed while sleeping.

  • Avoid dairy products: Dairy products can cause excess mucus production, which can lead to nasal congestion. Try avoiding dairy products such as milk, cheese, and ice cream for a few days to see if it helps. If you decide to eliminate dairy from your diet permanently, please consult a nutritional therapist to ensure you find a suitable replacement.

  • Avoid sneezing and rubbing or blowing your nose if you can. The nose is very sensitive, and agitation of the nose can significantly contribute to congestion.

  • If you have a very sensitive nose, rather than pinching the nose during the breath holds, gentle place the tips of your thumb and first finger against the nostrils to avoid agitating the nose.

  • Keep your home clean and dust-free: Dust and other airborne particles can irritate your nasal passages and lead to congestion. Make sure to vacuum and dust your home regularly to keep the air clean. Ask a family member to do the cleaning if doing so exacerbates your symptoms.

  • Drink plenty of fluids: Drinking plenty of fluids can help to thin out mucus and make it easier to clear your nasal passages.

  • If you have a small nose or a deviated septum, it can be helpful to use either of the following products to open up the nose:

Neil Tranter

Neil is a leading Breathing Coach and Certified Buteyko Breathing Instructor who works with clients from all over the world to help them transform their health through breathing techniques and lifestyle changes. Drawing from his own experiences with anxiety and burnout, Neil offers deep understanding and empathy in his approach to help others improve their well-being. If you are struggling with your health or breathing, learn more about working with Neil on the one-to-one page.


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