About Us

Welcome to The Buteyko Method

thebuteykomethod.com was founded by lead Buteyko instructor Neil Tranter with the sole aim of helping people to improve their physical and mental well-being by retraining their breathing patterns using the Dr Konstantin Buteyko’s proven breathing methodology.

We offer group courses and one-to-one session to help clients improve their breathing and reduce symptoms of Asthma, Anxiety, Brain Fog, Insomnia, Hyperventillation syndrome, Panic Attacks, Sleep apnoea, Snoring, Stress and a range of other health conditions.   

About Neil Tranter

Neil trained with Patrick McKeown (a former student of the late Dr Buteyko) at the Buteyko Clinic International and now works as a full-time Buteyko teacher.  

He offers a gentle and balanced approach to teaching Buteyko Breathing, bringing together the science, experiential practice and a sprinkle of humour.  

You can read Neil’s full bio here at neiltranter.com/about-me.

About Dr Buteyko

The Buteyko method was discovered by Ukrainian medical doctor Dr Konstantin Buteyko in the 1950s. He observed that there was a strong correlation between health and breathing patterns in his patients.

With the simple hypothesis that retraining breathing patterns could improve health, he developed a research program and discovered that by teaching his patients to breathe less (soft, slow, diaphragmatic breathing through the nose), he could dramatically reverse their symptoms.

This process is now known as “The Buteyko Method“ and has helped many people globally to improve their breathing and overall wellbeing.

  • As someone who has struggled with my breathing for years, I was skeptical about the effectiveness of the Buteyko breathing method. However, after completing the 5-session course with Neil, I can confidently say that it has made a significant improvement in my breathing and overall quality of life."

    Stephen, Lancaster